PC Maintenance and Support
Managed Service Programs
Hardware installation
Software installation
Custom-built computers
Software and various systems training
In-person and remote assistance
Business Continuity Services
Systems Monitoring
Web Design and Hosting
PC Maintenance and Support
MatrixTechs offers support services for computer issues such as malware removals, OS install and reinstall and PC tune-ups.
Managed Service Programs
MatrixTechs offers time-based service plans. Clients can select a period as short as 3 months or as long as 3 years. There are three tiers of service. Please contact us to learn more.
Hardware installation
Are you new to computing and have a new piece of hardware that you would like to install, but don’t know how or are unsure? MatrixTechs can help you. Not only can we install the hardware, we can also recommend the best peripheral for your system, and in some cases order it for you for a lower price.
Software installation
If you have an expensive or complicated piece of software to be installed and you are unsure of what you are doing, MatrixTechs is here to help you. We will install your software for you and give you a brief rundown of any modifications made to your system.
Custom-built computers
Are you in the market for a new computer and dissatisfied with what is at the store? Have you ever considered having a machine built to your specifications? MatrixTechs can do that for you. We work with several wholesalers to get the lowest total cost on a custom built machine. For clients in the local area, we can also deliver it to you, set it up, and give you a short tutorial.
Software and various systems training
Is there a software package that you would like to learn quickly so as to become more comfortable and familiar with it? Let us know! There is a high likelihood that we will be able to train you on its use. Some of our most common training sessions are for products in the Microsoft family such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Microsoft Office. Contact us today to set up a training session!
In-person and remote assistance
Not all problems require a physical visit! In some cases, a remote visit is just as good and much faster, which allows you to get back to using your computer for work, fun or both! Ask to see if this is the correct solution for you.
Business Continuity Services
Events sometime occur which affect your business’ up-time. Our business continuity services allow you to quickly recover from these events.
Systems Monitoring
For smaller businesses that have a lot of technology but no full-time IT staff, MatrixTechs offers system monitoring. We configure the system so that we are able to keep an eye on it while you continue working.
Web Design and Hosting
Using out diverse portfolio of web hosting and design companies, we get you the best value for web hosting. We also work with high-end web designers to make your web site really shine! Contact us today for more information!